What does ekes mean?
Can you tell me off the top of your head? If so, then I'm impressed.
"Stimulus bill ekes through Senate vote" was a headline on the front page of the DI today.
I vaguely remember learning something in my Intro to Journalism class about making stories and headlines "reader-friendly", especially considering that the majority of people who actually pick up a paper just the headlines, with some sad, dwindling statistics of those who read the lede, nut graf, et-cetera.
I didn't even read the story. The headline was a big turn-off to my attention span. The fact that I had to search Merriam-Webster Online to make sense of the headline was unnecessary and annoying, quite frankly.
Sorry, I'll end the suspense for those who still don't know what the word means:
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): eked; ek-ing
1. archaic: increase, lengthen
2. to get with great difficulty-- usually used with out <eke out a living>
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